This is going to be a strange review.
I'm not really going to tell you what this book is about. You could see that on amazon
What I will say is that I hardly got through the first chapter before I had to put it down for a good cry. I mean a Good cry.
I could see right where this was going. I could see the truth of the story all layed out in front of me. I could tell that Lisa Samson was writing from her heart, from the past experiences of her life. Lisa has met some really wonderful people in a soup kitchen. She wrote of them in her blog "streets with dwellings" which I read up off and on all last year. But that's not what made me connect with this book at the first word. It's that I was relieved to hear a story that could capture my imagination as to how to begin the release from a self-pleasing life to one of deeper purpose and intention. (Oprah's not the only one who likes that word.)
I like this book.
I used to sing Kelly Willard's songs. One in particular that I can't even remember the name of; but amazingly, all of the words came floating to the top of my memory after I read Lisa' book last week. This song, for some Holy Spirit reason, made me weep every time I sang it. It describes what I was, what I am and what I want to be. Kind of like Lisa's book, Quaker Summer. Want me to sing Kelly's song for you?
I know a lady, who lives in a very beautiful home.
Her house was full of the most expensive things a man could own.
But her heart was empty, so very empty, deep within.
I know a lady who humbled herself before her Lord and King.
Her heart was willing to bow down and surrender everything, everything.
Her heart is full now, righteousness, peace and joy dwell within, Halleluiah!
She heard him say
Come unto me all ye who labor
Ye heavy laden, come and find rest.
Cause if you loose your life in this world
You will find new life in Me
Are you willing to give up the good things
for the best?