Monday, December 18, 2006

Switch It Up

I sent off the last of the packages today after my marathon week of rehearsals and waitressing for Uncle Phil's Diner.
Matt and I had a great time and made new thespian friends along the way.
But when I picked him up from school today, he said what I was thinking- "I'm sure glad we don't have practice tonight."

Tonight was spent making risotto and putting lights on the best tree ever. (I think we say that every year). But it is the best tree ever; recently living and looking alive for the next two weeks. The tree really does represent something to me and I am very grateful to bring the large organic altar onto the carpet.

I am trying again to live at Christmas rather than lose heart and consciousness. Some of it, as we all know is important, and some of the stuff is not.
Be blessed by what you determine to give and and receive what has also been yours to have:
...and the greatest of these is love.

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